Lazan Glover & Puciloski, LLP
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What Are a Realtor’s Responsibilities When Talking About Zoning?
What ARE a realtor’s responsibilities when talking about zoning with a client here in the Berkshires? It makes sense for a successful realtor to describe all aspects of a featured property. Prospective buyers are likely interested in the interior design, the layout, the exterior appearance, landscaping, outbuildings, and numerous other aspects of the property. One […]
What is a Nominee Trust in Massachusetts?
It is common for home buyers in Massachusetts to take title to property with a nominee realty trust (sometimes simply called a “realty trust” or “nominee trust”). What is a nominee realty trust? A nominee trust is an entity unique to Massachusetts, and despite its name, it’s not a true trust. It does, however, provide […]
Can Text Messages Form a Binding Real Estate Contract?
In Massachusetts, real estate contracts or agreements must be in writing. Traditionally, this means that a real estate sale agreement must be set out in a purchase and sale agreement, signed by all parties. However, the world has gone digital; this drastically changes this rule. Can text messages form a binding real estate contract? Read on.